Sunday, October 22, 2006

Terrified in Iowa

The voice emits unusual sounds when confronted with the horror of a haunted corn maze. Remember the terror and panic you felt in haunted houses as a kid? Witness grown adults relive that very experience.


Anonymous said...

"Do you just want to do the maze tonight?"

You mean, there were bonus attractions out there, not just a Corn Maze? Dude. That's the kind of entreprenurship that put Iowa on the map.

Jennifer Proctor said...

Dude, those girls are way too old to be in a haunted corn maze. What are they, 17?

M. Matthews said...

You are brave souls.

Anonymous said...

"that was the funniest movie of the year. i laughed until i cried."

-Lil' Geen (of Geen and Geen movie reviews)